
Games, crafts, sports, nature & more—Camp ALEX

Two weeks ago ASA embarked on a new adventure called Camp ALEX. Camp ALEX is a multi-sport & activity camp hosted at Brenman Park (not on the soccer field as you might be envisioning, but towards the back near the creek!) It’s ok, many of us just learned about the creek too.

As the City of Alexandria and our community navigate this challenging time, ASA has partnered with the Department of Recreation, Parks & Cultural Activities to offer the weekly camp for ages 5-12. With ASA’s (soccer) camp infrastructure in place and an amazing team of coaches who have experience supporting kids in activities beyond soccer, we jumped at the opportunity to offer this camp and support the community.

Camp Director, Tim Lenzo said, “The first two weeks of Camp ALEX have been a blast. We’ve played games, made crafts, went swimming and the campers have made new friends. While the games have been fun, I’ve been surprised with the social aspect of camp. I know of a few kids who had their parents exchange information at the end of the week to set up socially distanced play dates, which is amazing.”

“We are extremely lucky to have such a motivated and quality staff who were excited to answer this call. The ability for our leadership and program directors to create the Camp ALEX experience for kids in such a short amount of time with all the variables in place was impressive to see. By all accounts these campers are having a great time being outside in a safe and well-structured environment where they are challenged through athletics, arts, sciences and so much more!” said Jim Hogan, Deputy Director of Tournaments & Programs at ASA.

Activities thus far have included; frisbee golf, soccer, scavenger hunt, creek time, water balloon activities, icebreaker games, tote bag decorating, bird feeder crafts, sand volleyball, parachute games, & MORE! Lenzo noted, “Our counselors and counselors-in-training are a huge part of what makes this program run. They run around with the campers the entire week, build relationships and get to know all the kids. They really help make the experience fun and safe for everyone.”

There are several more weeks of Camp ALEX this summer, with the last one taking place the week of August 31. Join us today!

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