
Coach of the Month: Tim Lenzo

Each month we feature one ASA coach to learn more about his or her background and personal story and this month we’re featuring Coach Tim!

What programs do you coach at ASA and how long have you been coaching with the club?

I only started with ASA last July, so about 9 months, but immediately felt apart of the program. I work with the Academy’s U11 and U12 Boys Black Teams. I also work with the Futsal ID program and am one of the Futsal League coaches. More recently I began working with the Junior Academy and had the great opportunity to work in Alexandria’s after school program this last fall at Cora Kelly and William Ramsay Elementary Schools.

When did you begin coaching? What got you interested?

I first started coaching when I was 17 years old. My coach at the time took on a younger team as we were about to age out and graduate high school. I came to their practices and helped out running drills and coaching the younger players. I always loved teaching and helping out others. After high school I
took a long break from coaching, but honed my leadership and mentoring skills in other ways. I worked in a youth program and later in the Marine Corps. When I left the military I knew I wanted to get back to coaching soccer and immediately came on as an assistant coach for the Baltimore Bays and the Stars Futsal Program in Maryland. I moved to Alexandria last year for school and actually found out about ASA through a few coaches in the program and from U.S. Futsal Regionals where my old futsal team competed. I knew I wanted to be a part of a program that coached soccer and futsal and ASA’s
name kept appearing.

What is one of your favorite things about coaching at ASA?

My favorite thing about coaching for ASA is the environment. It’s been great to see such a support network for both players, families and coaches. Soccer helped me in a lot more areas of my life than on the field and to see such a large program helping out so many individuals and their community has
been awesome. I also love the energy of the coaches and the players. The environment is so positive and is a great experience for me to continue to get better while passing on the passion of the game to the next generation. I often go to other coach’s practices to observe and learn as well as socialize with
the parents and players.

Where did you grow up and what is your favorite soccer memory from childhood?

I was born in South Korea but was adopted when I was one and grew up outside of Baltimore. I have so many great memories from soccer but I would say my favorite would be scoring the game winner in my first high school game as a freshman on varsity and winning the Maryland Futsal State Cup. The biggest thing I remember though was the down time between games and at tournaments with my teammates.

A tiny Tim Lenzo hones his skills on the field from an early age.

When you’re not coaching what do you like to do in your free time?

When I’m not coaching I’m probably playing with my puppies. I have two shepherd mixes, Hazel is 11 months and Cocoa is about a year and a half. They keep me pretty busy and entertained.

Who’s your soccer hero and why?!

I am a die hard Barcelona fan and my soccer heroes reflect that. I have followed Leo Messi’s entire career, but Ronaldinho was probably my first soccer hero. He did things with the ball that I had never even thought of and captured my imagination. His tricks and simple joy of playing soccer was
something I tried to emulate. Lastly, I loved Carles Puyol, the bushy-haired defender, for not just his play but his sportsmanship and never quit attitude.

And finally, give us one fun fact about yourself…

I am currently just getting back from breaking my leg last August, but I have goals and plans to try to compete on American Ninja Warrior!!

Thanks Coach Tim! We hope to watch you compete on American Ninja Warrior soon!

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