ASA School+
ASA School+
An Activity & Learning Experience
Weekday programming Mondays – Fridays to accommodate any virtual learning environment. Flexible options that work for your family!
ASA School+ was a weekday activity and education experience for K-5th graders that aligned with public and private school’s virtual learning programs. Alongside community partners like ACPS and the Department of Recreation, Parks and Cultural Activities, ASA offered School+ with a hybrid of day and half day schedules to supplement online learning and offer child care opportunities for busy parents.

The COVID-19 pandemic was challenging for children and families. In the fall of 2020 when we learned that kids in our community would not return to in-person school we brainstormed how we could use our resources and staff to support families. The School+ program offered kids an opportunity to attend their virtual school days in a safe, outdoor setting, alongside other children. ASA counselors and coaches oversaw socialization time, crafts, activity breaks between classes and provided support as kids navigated the online learning process. This program also allowed parents a break from the challenges of working, parenting and overseeing school simultaneously.
In addition to the school day setup (Tuesday-Friday) ASA offered a fun camp-style day of activities on Mondays, during ACPS' asynchronous learning day.
From August 2020-June 2021 the program grew and developed to account for variables in ACPS' school programming. What remained constant was the opportunity for kids to complete their virtual learning in a safe environment amongst peers.

Monday only programming took place exclusively outdoors. The Tuesday-Friday Learning Lab took place both outdoors and indoors in a school gymnasium. Kids desks were spaced out (10 feet) appropriately and situated with an eye to minimize traffic in between. Breaks in between classes, craft time, movement time and any time outside of class will be spent outdoors if possible.
- The Learning Lab had a max capacity of 50 kids (utilizing space in the gym)
- Masks were required, for all participants, at all times when indoors
- Minimum 10 ft of spacing between all desks/tables/chairs
- Temperature checks were required and School+ staff conducted a contactless temperature check when students arrive each day
- Sanitization stations will be spread throughout space as appropriate
- Staff will disinfect high use areas handles/doors and other high contact surfaces

Monday Only
Monday programming coincided with many public schools asynchronous learning day. Activities included games, crafts, sports and an education component each week.
Tuesday - Friday
Indoor/outdoor virtual learning environment. Counselors helped students move through their virtual learning day and supplement breaks & movement times with in-person activities.
Monday - Friday
Customizable options of online learning and supplemental activities that worked with your child's online school schedule.

Masks | All staff and counselors will wear masks at all times. Participants are not required to wear masks when outdoors. Learning Lab participants (Tuesday – Friday) will where masks at all times when learning indoors and everyone is required to wear a mask when using indoor restrooms. Programming will aim to maintain social distance between participants.
Screening | All participants and counselors are required to conduct a self screen for COVID-19 before coming to School+ each day. ASA will provide screening questions to participants.
Counselor to Participant Ratio | The program will be staffed with an ideal ratio of 1 counselor to every 12 participants, at a minimum. *There are times, during activities things like snack or water breaks where the ratio may not be in place due to bathroom breaks.
First Aid & CPR | ASA School+ programming is staffed with counselors who are CPR and First Aid Certified.
EpiPen | All locations will have counselors on staff that are educated in administering an EpiPen.
Preparing Your Child
Kids should bring the following each day:
- water (at least 1 gallon)
- sunscreen (should be reapplied throughout the day)
- change of clothes
- mask (required when using indoor restrooms and if distancing is not possible)
- snacks + lunch
- computer / learning device (labeled with name)
- worksheets or notepad as needed along with writing utensils
- headphones
The weather may be unpredictable. Your child should wear comfortable clothing for being outdoors and we recommend bringing a jacket or extra layer for warmth.
Policies & Procedures
All participants must report to the check-in tent, introduce themselves and be checked in by an ASA staff member. This must be done everyday.
● Medical Information: If your child has any medical equipment or medications with them, you must inform the ASA School+ staff at check-in. The staff will make a note of this on their roster sheet.
● Daytime Phone Number: At drop off, a daytime number must be listed in case of an emergency.
● Pick-up Information: If someone, not on the family household account, is going to be picking up your child (babysitter, nanny, carpool, friend, etc), you must let the School+ staff know so they can make a note of it.
All participants must confirm with the designated School+ staff member at the check-in/check-out location that their adult has arrived and they are ready to leave. The designated staffer will confirm they’re ready to leave and mark off the child’s name.
● Adults who are listed on the family household account are eligible to pick-up their own child
● Anyone not on the family household account must be approved during drop off or via a phone call prior to pick-up
ASA School+ requests that all medications that can be taken prior to or after programming be administered at home.
If medication must be administered during the day please fill out THIS FORM and provide it to the camp director, along with the medication, on the first day of camp.
ASA School+ programming is prepared to navigate weather challenges throughout the fall. With ample coverage at each site programming in light rain or intermittent showers will be possible. All sites will have dry boxes available to house electronics in case of a weather emergency. Thunderstorms and heavy rain may cause cancellations but program staff will be flexible in offering half days as available.
Staff will aim to communicate with parents the evening before, using a color coding system to best prepare parents for any status changes that will be confirmed each morning. Red = cancelled, Yellow = tracking weather that is a concern, Green = on.
We appreciate your flexibility as we navigate the daily challenges!