
ASA Announces Academy Director and Academy Support Structure

Alexandria Soccer Association is excited to welcome Gonzalo Ramella to the full-time team as Community Partnership & Boys Academy Manager. Gonzalo, who has coached in the Academy program for nine years, will be a familiar face to many. He joined the staff team full time on May 1st and has jumped in quickly to support the Academy program management and implementation.

[La Asociación de Fútbol de Alexandria se complace en dar la bienvenida a Gonzalo Ramella al equipo de tiempo completo como Gerente de Asociación Comunitaria y Academia de Niños. Gonzalo, quien ha sido entrenador en el programa de la Academia durante nueve años, será un rostro familiar para muchos. Él se incorporó al equipo a tiempo completo el 1 de Mayo y ha intervenido rápidamente para apoyar la gestión e implementación del programa de la Academia.]

The Academy program hosts 1000+ passionate soccer players in over 250 hours of quality programming annually. Gonzalo will oversee the administrative support on the boys side of the Academy and Adem Gokturk will lead support of the girls side of the Academy. Adem and Gonzalo, along with Deputy Director Chris Arnold, together will oversee the Academy’s 70+ teams and provide coaching guidance, training and game schedules, league enrollment, parent communication, annual tournament slate, player development and much more.

Academy support structure. ASA aims to provide staff coaches with off-field support so they can focus on coaching and on-field training.

Chris Arnold, Deputy Director of Academy and Futsal said, “We are thrilled to have Gonzalo (Gonzo!) join the full-time team. Gonzo is very familiar with ASA programming and the Alexandria community as a long time academy and program coach. He brings to ASA a strong professional background, a passion for helping others and a solutions-oriented approach. In addition, we are pleased to add another staff member with bi-lingual capabilities (Spanish & English) to further develop our relationship with the community!”

In addition to his role in support of Academy programming Gonzalo will also help oversee community partnerships and sponsorships at ASA. Gonzalo’s prior experience as a Group Sales Manager at MGM will help him transition seamlessly to support the amazing organizations we work with in our #ASACommunity.

“I’m thankful to the entire ASA family for the opportunity they have given me to join their core team. I’m looking forward to working more closely with Chris and Adem, as well as with the families and players of the club. Soccer is my passion and I am so happy to be a part of this wonderful group,” said Gonzalo.

Fun fact—Gonzalo debuted in the Peruvian professional soccer league in 2003 when he was 19 years old. He came in as a sub in the 75th minute and his team won 2-0 in front of their home crowd!

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