
ASA Restructures Staff To Better Support Community On “Pathway to Gold”

ASA’s leadership announces a new staff structure in an effort to improve the accessibility, quality and capacity of programming. This restructure was initiated as part of their vision to be the gold standard community based soccer club. The “Pathway to Gold” project, introduced in club wide strategic planning, revealed the need to identify outputs that had the largest contributions to outcomes & impact that ASA seeks. As program offerings and participation grew, the need for more comprehensive staff leadership and support became evident. The newly formed Executive Team is excited to announce the organizational structure and front office staff for the 2019–2020 program year, ASA’s 50th!

Long time ASA program directors Chris Arnold and Jim Hogan have been promoted to Deputy Directors, increasing their strategic oversight across all program implementation. Respectively, the two have over 15 years of experience at ASA — introducing new programming, developing strategy to improve program quality and ensuring implementation standards are high.

Chris now oversees the directors of the Academy & Futsal programs. Directors working with Chris include Will Hanna, Futsal ID Director; Jennie Orloff, new Academy Program Director; Tim Lenzo, new Futsal League Manager; and he is now hiring a new Tots Program Manager. Jim now oversees the directors of Tournaments & Leagues. Directors working with Jim include Peter Kallin, Recreational League Director; Peja Ilic, Adult & After-School League Director; Grigor Boychev, Jr. Academy Director; and Ben Hawkins, Summer Camp Director.

ASA’s 2019–2020 update organization structure.

To support Chris, Jim and all ASA program directors ASA has invested in club wide support roles including bilingual Office Manager Cindy Lopez who leads our customer service team; Katie Brooks, PR & Communication Director, who leads our efforts to streamline communication at the participant level and to the broader community; and Mark Wysocki, Operations & Strategy Director, who leads our facility management and volunteer development teams.

ASA worked carefully to assemble this diverse team of talented, experienced, driven and passionate individuals. Their collective effort, complementary skills and expertise will lead ASA as the club grows, improves program quality and thrives as an integral part of making Alexandria a healthier and more unified community.

DOWNLOAD a PDF version of this press release HERE.

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