
Coach of the Month: Julia Curry

Each month we feature one ASA coach to learn more about his or her background and personal story and this month we’re featuring Coach Julia!

What program do you coach at ASA and how long have you been coaching with our club?

I coach a Rec League team of 5th grade boys. I’ve been coaching this team at ASA for the past two years.

When did you begin coaching? What got you interested?

I began coaching in the fall of 2017. After being a cheerleader on the sidelines of my son’s games for quite a few years, I decided to try my hand at coaching.

Julia’s team of 5th grade boys pose together for a photo after their last game of 2018.

What is one of your favorite things about coaching for ASA?

I love the camaraderie of the team and getting to spend time with these boys each week. Most of the boys on our team have been playing together for several years.

Where did you grow up and what’s your favorite soccer memory from your childhood?

I grew up in Memphis, TN. Growing up, tennis was my sport of choice. I hadn’t really watched or played soccer until my son became interested. My newfound fandom definitely comes from my son’s love of the sport.

When you’re not coaching what do you like to do in your free time?

I like to build things with Legos with my son and watch the Food Network.

Who’s your soccer hero and why?!

I don’t have a specific player that I would say is my soccer hero but I do like Arsenal. Let’s go with that!

And finally….give us one fun fact about yourself.

I lived in New Orleans for 10 years and I’m afraid of birds. 🙂

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