Coach Jim loves spending time outside with his two kids, Reese and Dylan. They enjoy climbing, hiking, riding bikes, and playing all around their neighborhood. Jim's favorite thing to cook are pancakes! He loves getting his kids involved because they get super excited to mix the batter, put the blueberries and chocolate chips in the bowl and they'll actually set the table while they wait for the pancakes to be ready.
If he were stranded on a desert island and could only bring three things Jim would pack a hammock, a Tiki Torch and a Bushwhacker, the drink.
College soccer provided Jim with the opportunity to challenge himself in ways he never would have expected. He gained valuable life lessons from being a part of the team that continue to extend beyond the field and into his everyday life.
U15 Girls Red
[email protected]
(703) 684-5425
1108 Jefferson Street (Lee Ctr, 1st Floor)
Alexandria, VA 22314
Office Hours
Mon. 9-3; Tues. 10-6; Thurs. 10-6, Friday 9-12