
College Diaries: Taryn White

Taryn White is an Alexandria native and was a member of the ASA community for her entire soccer career, from the Rec League up through Academy, with camps, futsal, assistant coaching and everything in between. Before heading off to college she even played on ASA’s women’s CCL U23 Team. Now, she is a freshman at Mount Holyoke College in Massachusetts and a defender on their Women’s Soccer team. We were able to check in with Taryn as she finishes up her first college soccer season and ask her some questions about her time at ASA and what advice she can offer players looking to play collegiate soccer!

What is one thing you wish you knew about the recruiting process before you began?

Something I wish I knew about the recruiting process is to just reach out to as many schools as possible, as early as possible. College teams change very quickly, and you want to be able to have other options, and be able to you change your mind if you want to, which you will throughout the process.

What is one piece of advice you have for current ASA players?

One piece of advice I have for current ASA players is to just enjoy your playing experience as much as possible and get the most out of it you can. I made some of my best friends and memories through ASA and I learned so much even though I didn’t realize it. It’s a blessing.

What is the biggest change or difference for you in your first semester in college?

I think for me, the biggest change and hardest part to adjust to is being so far away from home (Mount Holyoke is about a seven hour drive from Alexandria).

What is your major/what are you pursuing?

Right now I’m pursuing a major in psychology to then become an occupational therapist!

What is your favorite memory with ASA?

My favorite memory with ASA was when we had a tournament in New Jersey and we all stayed in a hotel together and went go kart racing. It was a lot of fun just to be together.

Who is one coach you still look up to?

Scott is always going to be a coach I look up to, not just as a role model for soccer but also life as well. He built such personal connections with everyone and taught me more than I could have ever asked for, while being so supportive of our life outside of soccer as well. I’m very grateful to have been coached by him.

Thank you Taryn! Good luck with the remainder of your season and the rest of your freshman year. We’ll see you next summer!

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