
Denmark & Sweden — Day 1

This summer we’ve partnered with our good friend Pedro Paiva from AOXY Experiences to plan an incredible ten day soccer trip to Denmark and Sweden. This experience, in a European hotbed of women’s soccer, will included games against professional youth clubs (FC Copenhagen and FC Rosengard), sightseeing, Scandinavian culture, beautiful beaches, delicious food and more.

A team of 2003 and 2002 girls from our Academy program set off on Friday, July 20th. The girls, traveling with Coach Ryan Alexander, ASA Executive Director Tommy Park and a handful of parents, are looking forward to an incredible Scandinavian soccer experience.

ASA 02 and 03 girls pose in the airport before flying out.

The team landed in Copenhagen on Saturday and spent their first day adjusting to the time change while getting settled in. The highlight of their day was an incredible sightseeing boat ride around the lovely canals of the city.

Tomorrow the girls hit the field for their first training session in Denmark. They’ll be preparing for the Malmo Cup Tournament which kicks off on Tuesday!

ASA 2002 and 2003 girls pose in Copenhagen on their first day in Denmark.

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