
Rec Coach Spotlight: David Hank

The ASA Recreational League would not be possible without the support of amazing volunteer coaches. Who better to share expertise, tips and experiences than the people who coach each season?! Today we’re thrilled to highlight veteran ASA Rec coach David Hank! Despite early misgivings, we’re so glad that you enjoy coaching! Thank you for answering our questions.

When did you begin coaching?
I think I started when the kids were 5—they are 10 now, so 5 years ago.

Did you play soccer growing up? What is your experience with soccer playing or coaching?
I played soccer through high school and my co-coach played at UVA for 4 years.

What is one of your favorite things about coaching in the Rec League?
There is nothing better than seeing the kids getting better and improve every single year.

What has surprised you most about your coaching experience thus far?
Honestly, I was volunteered by my wife against my wishes. I am constantly surprised how much I enjoy being out there during practice and games.

What advice do you have for a parent who is interested in coaching? Any tips or tricks?
If you have the time and interest, just go for it. I did not have any idea what I was doing as far as coaching. I did a little bit of googling for games to play, read the ASA website for more tips and everything has worked out just fine. It’s really more important to be out there than to be the next Bill Walsh.

Do you have a memorable moment from coaching that you would like to share?
The first time we played a game the kids now refer to as “pirate,” I had them all stand on the ball with one foot and salute the captain. Did I have my phone out waiting for this moment, you bet I
did, still makes me chuckle, they all look so serious.

Kids playing the now infamous pirate game.

What is your coaching philosophy?
It’s always fun first, sportsmanship second, teaching third and if we win (I know, I know we don’t keep score) fantastic.

Anything else you’d like to share about your experience?
I really have enjoyed soccer the past 5 years. I have had the pleasure of playing/teaching some wonderful kids and the parents have been involved at every step which helps immeasurably. ASA does a great job with communication and running the league.

Thanks again David. We specifically love your coaching philosophy and look forward to more seasons together! Are you interested in getting involved with the Rec League? Email [email protected] to learn more!

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