Fostering a Growth Mindset in Recreation League Soccer
“Wow, I love how hard you worked during practice to help win that activity!” “That was a great try but you’re not quite there yet.” “The way you worked through that tough challenge was excellent.” Our office team at Alexandria Soccer have recently been working on what outcomes we seek for the children in our […]
Coach of the Month: Katie Alonso
Each month we feature one ASA coach to learn more about his or her background and personal story and this month we’re featuring Coach Katie A.! What programs do you coach at ASA and how long have you been coaching with the club? I have been coaching at ASA since 2013. I have coached in the […]
10 Days, 5000 Kids, 1 Community — The Impact of ASA
This post will continue to be updated during the last 10 days of December. 2017 was an incredibly busy, fun and fulfilling year at Alexandria Soccer Association. We launched new programs, developed new facilities, served more kids than ever before and grew our scholarship fund to support even more players. We’re thankful and in awe […]