
Coach of the Month: Kyle Jacson

Each month we feature one ASA coach to learn more about his or her background and personal story and this month (August 2019) we’re featuring Coach Kyle!

What programs do you coach at ASA and how long have you been coaching with our club?

I’m so honored to be recognized for the coach of the month! Words can’t describe the feelings I received after getting the email! I truly appreciate the many opportunities afforded for me at ASA. I’m so excited about the start of the season I can’t sleep sometimes! LOL.

I have had the luxury of coaching for many different facets of the club starting in the winter of 2018 with Junior academy. I have done private events for the club, birthday parties, soccer clinics, Ball Mastery, futsal, as well as day and evening summer camps. I’m so pumped to have the U11 Silver boys Academy team! So many awesome things to say about each program and the directors! Grigor, Tim, Jim, Ben, Cindy, Peter, the list goes on. Special shout out to Chris H. for referring me to the club!

Coach Kyle Jackson juggles with a camper during ASA Summer Camp.

When did you begin coaching? What got you interested?

I began my official coaching journey here at the club, ASA. I’ve been coaching here for about 6 months.

My main interest in coaching came after suffering a knee injury when I had to bring my pursuit of an actual professional career to a halt. I gratefully had a really good coach growing up at my boyhood club who taught me a lot, not just about soccer but about life too. I looked up to him so much and he has always been a mentor and role model. I eventually played semi-pro at various clubs in Maryland and Pennsylvania. After I got hurt I wanted to give coaching a try since it was the only way I could still share my deep love for the game.

What is one of your favorite things about coaching for ASA?

One of my favorite experience thus far has been attending a professional soccer game with fellow coaches. Getting to know my colleagues in different settings is helpful for learning new things, especially in a quality game environment. And of course, another favorite thing are the kids!

Coach Kyle Jackson, poses for picture day early in his youth soccer career.

Where did you grow up and what’s your favorite soccer memory from your childhood?

I grew up in Columbia MD, but before I moved there I lived on East Capitol (near RFK Stadium) and had neighbors with season tickets to DC United games.They would take me to games and I would get to eat burritos and sit with the Screaming Eagles—those are days I won’t forget ever.

When you’re not coaching what do you like to do in your free time?

When I’m not coaching I’m usually cooking, working out, playing soccer and planning for the future! My daughter is 8 years old and my absolute favorite thing to do is spend time with her now that she can have really long talks—our conversations are just mind boggling sometimes, it’s the greatest thing ever!

Who’s your soccer hero and why?!

My soccer hero is Mario Balotelli. He’s insanely talented, supremely built with exceptional genetics and possesses bags of raw talent! The goals he scored early in his career were sometimes just breathtaking. He had troubles off the field that overshadowed his success on the pitch and ultimately ruined his name for some. People say a lot of bad about him but he’s my hero because he donates 50% of his salary to children in need… all while receiving racial abuse from fans at the international and club level. Much can be said about the player, however his touch, speed, strength, and wide skill set will always be what I remember. The beautiful game doesn’t leave you and he will forever be a joy to watch, even in League 1… A hero in more than one way.

Coach Kyle Jackson get kids pumped up during soccer camp!

And finally….give us one fun fact about yourself.

A fun fact about myself is that I’m passionate about learning about other cultures. Ultimately I’m very good at guessing ages and ethnicities, I also speak a little bit of 6 languages.

Thank you Kyle! We love your enthusiasm for the game and can’t wait to follow your excitement for your U11 Boys team this Fall.

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