
/11v11 League

Outdoor 11v11 League

Full Sided Soccer in the DMV

Questions? Email Adult League Manager Veliko,

ASA is not hosting an 11v11, full sided league this year. This page will be updated if and when an 11v11 league is scheduled.

No 11v11 League this winter

Details: TBD Upon Return

Safety Policies:

ASA has implemented club-wide and Adult League specific safety policies for the Fall season. ASA reserves the right to make game modifications at any point to ensure player safety.

Your understanding and support of following our return to play policies is an important part of our ability to program and play safely. Any players or teams who choose not to follow ASA policies will be reminded to do so or removed from participation.

Email with questions!


Adult 11v11 League
$ 1150 per team
  • 6 games
  • Sundays
  • Maximum Roster Size | 25 Players
  • Divisions | Men's


Individuals looking for a team to join may register as an Individual Free Agent. Free Agents will be placed on teams looking for players. Team Captains should  register their entire team together. If you are an individual player that is part of an existing team DO NOT REGISTER yourself. Your team captain will register you as part of the entire roster.


Teams are encouraged to purchase ASA jerseys (neon green and navy, two for $20) as the team uniform. Jerseys for each player can be purchased after registration. Team jerseys can be picked up in the office or the League Director can bring them to the first game.